Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, The New ME?

Is it really a practice to have a resolution in every New Year? Do we need to settle things we want to achieve for our coming New Year?As this special holiday comes, everybody says that these things will serve as their resolutions and promise to fulfill them throughout the year. But are you sure that everybody can stand those resolutions that they made?

As I welcome New Year, I didn't have a New Year's resolution. I just spend the day with my normal life. I didn't think of any change that I will do in myself. But as days pass by, I realize that I must have at least plans for me that will make me a better person this year. So I'm planning to change my bad attitudes with good traits, still continue doing good things, and I'll stay simple as I am today. I do hope that those who accepted for who I am last year will still accept me for who I am today. Even though it's New Year, I won't forget the moments , even if they are sad moments or happy moments, they will still remain in my hearts and memories and as well as those people who become part and completed my 2010 year and still wants to join me i my 2011 journey.

These are the things I considered to be as my resolutions. If I wasn't a good friend nor a good stranger to you last year, I hope and try my very best that this year, I will be a nice friend to everybody.